The benefits from realization of projects and businesses in the area of renewable energy sources (RES), environmental protection and energy efficiency are quite large and can be classified in several directions:
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (reduction of the effects of global warming)
- Reduction of the water consumption (an exhaustible resource)
- Solutions for waste processing management (waste from sanitary felling in forests, clearing the wood-cutting area from branches and waste wood biomass, agricultural waste, domestic waste)
- A closed cycle of the nutrients (production of organic products)
- Increasing of the sanitary safety (due to the processing of waste)
- Establishment of new work places
- Development of rural areas with lower standard of living
- Reduction of the product prices for the end consumers (as a result of the reduced cost price with the increase energy efficiency)
- Reduction of the state dependence on imported fossil fuels
- Additional income for the business in relation to renewable energy sources (promoted by the state and the European Union)
- Additional income for the business in relation to energy efficiency (as a result of the reduced energy costs)
- In short term: competitive (even lower) price of biomass compared to the energy from fossil fuels, whose prices are steadily rising
- Reducing the cost of energy transfer through its production at the very place of consumption
- Production of organic products that are not produced in any other way
- Contribution to the EU aims for sustainable power industry
- Contribution to EU aims for environmental protection
- Contribution to the EU aims for rural area development